Barbara Bushey

Professor and Chair in Art
Session Title
: Fostering Creativity Panel
Description: A Q&A panel on fostering your creativity with Rebekah Dell and Heather Tritchka.

Rebekah Dell

Dean of Women

Session Title: Fostering Creativity Panel
Description: A Q&A panel on fostering your creativity with Barbara Bushey and Heather Tritchka.

Nichole Ellis

Session Title:
Women’s Menstrual Health
Description: A session on de-mystifying your cycle.

Casey Gregg

Director of Music at Holy Trinity Parish, Homemaker
Session Title:
Anticipating Rich Motherhood
Description: Cultivating character, expectations, and habits that will prepare you for the joy and purpose of young motherhood.

Lea Hunt

Entrepreneur (Huddle Soft Serve, Cøllect Beer Bar, Two Birds)
Session Title: Nobody else knows what they’re doing either.
Description: A few things entrepreneurship has taught me about business and life.

Allison Hutchinson

Session Title: People Over Pennies
Description: Encouraging young women to make room for non-monetary forms of work and service once they leave Hillsdale.

Jennifer Lutz

Mom, Designer (Balsam Hill), Blogger (, Coffee Shop Manager (Penny's)

Christy Maier

Director of Academic Services
Session Title: Babies and a Briefcase
Description: A look at combining professional work and motherhood.

Lindsay Peirce

Mental Health Counselor



Admissions Director of Field Recruitment
Session Title:
Friends, so much more than a 90’s sitcom
Friendship is a beautiful (and sometimes challenging) thing. You will be navigating these kinds of relationships for the rest of your life. I'd love to share what I've learned with you!

Katherine Rick

Hillsdale College Adjunct Piano Instructor and Staff Accompanist
Session Title:
Own Your Chair
Learn how to take radical ownership to live a resentment-free life!

Elizabeth Schlueter

Homemaker, Teacher, Assistant Academic Director for CanaVox
Session Title:
Homemaking as a Liberal Art
Many young college educated women today will eventually choose to devote a majority of their time as young wives and mothers to homemaking instead of paid work outside the home. Weaving in some of my personal story, I'll lay out a definition of homemaking, the principles which guide it, and some of the challenges and assumptions, both good and bad, about this important work. I will also examine how homemaking can be understood as a liberal art, and is further ennobled by Christianity.

Heather Tritchka

Artist, Admissions Interviewer
Session Title
: Fostering Creativity Panel
Description: A Q&A panel on fostering your creativity with Rebekah Dell and Barbara Bushey.

Kathryn Wales

Hillsdale Academy Drama Teacher
Session Title:
Self-Care as Self-Gift
Description: I aim to expand the concept of self-care as promoted in the culture to demonstrate how it is necessary for friendship, discipleship, and overall well-being.

Hannah Walsh

Art Therapist
Session Title: Crafting A Vision
Description: A dedicated time for the young women to work on vision boards focusing on values, goals, and dreams.

Kathleen Zimmerman-Oster

Professor of Psychology and Director of the Institute for Leadership and Service at the University of Detroit Mercy
Session Title:
Faith, Emotional Intelligence, and the Superwoman Syndrome
Learn to use perception checking and other Emotional Intelligence skills to balance your life and avoid the reported ill effects of the “Superwoman Syndrome.” This talk will encourage you make a difference wherever you choose to lead and serve.