Kaitlyn Zellner

Licensed Professional Counselor
Session Title
: Holding Space: Caring for the People you Love
Description: This session will discuss what it looks like to be present with the people in your life who are suffering with things like anxiety, depression, or difficult life circumstances. It will discuss what it looks like to make space to sit in life's difficulties with the people we love.

Elizabeth Schlueter

Homemaker, Assistant Academic Director of CanaVox
Session Title
: Homemaking as a Liberal Art
Description: Even though many, perhaps most, college educated women may choose at some time in their lives to devote significant time to homemaking, it is strangely absent from public view, even at a very conservative place like Hillsdale. In the culture, Homemaking is both obvious, present all around us, even taken for granted, but perhaps also strangely hidden from explicit acknowledgement, from discussion and thoughtful consideration. Why is this? What does it mean to be a "homemaker?" Is there a special connection between motherhood and homemaking? Can homemakers pursue other work as well? How could homemaking be a "liberal" art?

Jenny Pridgeon

Director of Field Recruitment for Admissions
Session Title:
If Only We Could Know the Future
Description: I will be talking about how to discern future plans, sharing some of the lessons I have learned about choosing a career path and seeking to glorify God in my work and in the rest of my life.

Caroline Greb

Aesthetics Teacher, Greyfriars Classical Academy | Features Editor, Ekstasis Magazine | Fine Artist, carolinegreb.com
Session Title:
The Hidden Art of Beauty
Description: In this session, we will chat about our God-given need for beauty, the necessity of “unnecessary things,” and practical ways to find, create, and integrate beauty around you – including everything from interior decoration to flower arrangements to creative recreation to fashion and more. 

Denise Lovinger

Registered Dietician Nutritionist
Session Title: What Should I Eat? Nutrition Controversies and Misconceptions
Description: Discussion regarding nutrition misinformation heard from well-meaning friends, family and social media. What is evidence based and what should we eat to fuel our minds and bodies.

Jen Lutz

Interior decorator (with an emphasis on holiday decor), blogger, coffee shop manager, marketing
Session Title: Cultivating Hospitality
Description: Practical advice for cultivating a welcoming space no matter how humble--whether a dorm room, apartment or first home!

Alex Whitford

Account Director, Direct Donor TV - A Moore Company
Session Title:
Navigating Grief and Loss in College
Description: Here to open up a discussion about navigating grief/loss in your formative college years, and how to be a support for friends/classmates facing it themselves. Alex will share a bit about her story, lessons learned and finding the support she needed - then talk through practical applications!

Lori Fellela

Senior Vice President, end user computing
Session Title: Things I Wish My Mother Had Taught Me
Description: Have you ever wondered how some people come across as so self-assured?? Or perhaps you have doubted your ability to execute on something? I am here to tell you, you are not alone. And I want to share four pieces of wisdom that you can apply to your scholastic or professional life, to help you develop a stronger sense of confidence and self. There are 4 things i wish my mother had told me..that i want to share with you!

Rebekah Dell

Dean of Women

Session Title: Navigating Breakups, Singleness, and New Beginnings
This panel is for any and all women navigating life as a single woman, currently in a relationship, or working through a breakup. We will cover a wide variety of questions and experiences - hoping to share a bit of wisdom on these unique stages of life.



Director of Academic Services
Session Title:
Investing in Happiness
Reflect on how your college choices can build a foundation for a lifetime of happiness

Anna Vincenzi

Assistant Professor of History
Session Title:
On Motherhood and Work
I will talk about my experience of being a full-time professor and mother of three young children, about how these two aspects of my life complement (rather than adverse) each other, and about how Christianity and the Christian idea of vocation has led me to embrace this life and sustains me in it.

Nichole Ellis

Session Title:
Women’s Health: Demystify your Menstruation
An interactive audience participation of the menstrual cycle. With Q and A.

Kathryn Wales

Hillsdale Academy Drama Teacher
Session Title
: Roots and Resilience: Growing into the Woman of Your Dreams
Description: I will talk about the work of integrating our childhood and our adulthood and how that relates to personal growth and wholeness. I will focus on this quotation: "The roots of resilience are to be found in the sense of being understood by and existing in the mind and heart of a loving, attuned, and self-possessed other."

Liz Laux

Detroit Lions - Assistant, Player Personnel & Football Administration
Session Title:
Wish for it? Work for it.
Description: Finding and pursuing your dream career: What it looked like for me and how every woman has the ability to do the same.

Rebecca Ritchey

Co-Owner and Physician Assistant with Serving Side by Side; Wife, Mother, Homeschool Educator
Session Title: Beautiful Bodies: Developing Discernment
Description: What if the gift of discernment is mysteriously revealed through our own beautiful body? From the perspective of a medical professional, parent, and educator this talk explores the connection between our sensuality and immorality. Our senses can lead us to see what Jesus sees, hear as He hears, and smell, taste, and touch, as He still does through His Living Body, the Church.

Ashlyn Neveau

Homemaker, Small Business Owner (Hillsdalian Goods)
Session Title:
Uncovering the design for submission
This is my story of coming to understand the true biblical meaning of submission within marriage - and the practical steps I took to uncover the beauty found in God’s design.