Finding a Church Community in College and Beyond
Finding a Church Community After Graduation
By: Kyla Schnell
Two Tips for Financial Wellness: College Edition
Two Tips for Financial Wellness: College Edition
By: Lindsey Mertz
Perishable Goods: On Womanhood
College is an incredibly formative season of life…There’s no more valuable time to start pondering God’s plan for our bodies and what that looks like lived out in your own life as you pave personal routines of work and worship.
On Gathering Around the Table
Meals for holidays, special occasions, or just “family dinner” Sundays have helped shape who I am, given opportunities to strengthen my convictions, fostered lifelong friendships, and taught me a practical skill.
Contentment in the Discontent: Examining Expectations
Even in seasons plagued by discontentment, we can choose to be grateful because there is always something to be grateful for. In our chosen and practiced gratitude, we can find contentment.
Living Free from Comparison
If I could offer any piece of advice to my freshman self, it would be to stop wasting time comparing yourself to others and allow yourself to become the person that God created you to be.
Lessons from a Perpetual Student
Though it can be challenging, over the past several years I’ve learned that living intentionally during schooling can lead to so much fulfillment and joy amidst some of the challenges.
Traveling on a Budget
In the decision-making process of where and how to travel young, I found some helpful tricks to keep me on track with my goals without breaking the bank. Here are some of my favorites!